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National Presentations

National Presentations

Smith, C. L. V., Dimmitt, C. (2024, March) What's New in the Outcome Research. Presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling

Conference, Online.

Full Presentation

Zyromski, B., Dimmitt, C. (2022, March) Evidence-Based School Counseling: An Evolving Paradigm. Presented at the Evidence-   

Based School Counseling Conference, Online.

Full Presentation

Horton, D., Griffith, C., & Dimmitt, C. (2021, March) Cutting Edge, Valid, School-Based Interventions: 2019 - 2021 Year in Review. 

Presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Online.

Full Presentation

Dimmitt, C., Zyromski, B. (2021, March) Introduction to Evidence-based School Counseling and Updating the Construct. Presented    

at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Online.

Full Presentation

Dimmitt, C., Zyromski, B., Griffith, C. (2019, March) Identifying Evidence-Based School Counseling Interventions. Presented at the                Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Columbus, OH.

            Full Presentation

Griffith, C., Greenspan, S., Dimmit, C. (2018) CSCORE’s Annual Review of Research: Identifying Best Practices for Counseling in       

Schools. Presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, New York City, NY.

Full Presentation

Dimmitt, C., Griffith, C., Carey, J. (2017) CSCORE’s Annual Review of Research: Identifying Best Practices for Counseling in                

Schools. Presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, San Diego, CA.

Full Presentation


Doolittle, E. J., Alfeld, C., (2016) Basic Overview of Funding Opportunities at the Institute of Education Science. Presented at the        

Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Athens, GA.

Full Presentation

Owen, L., Warren, J., (March, 2016) Strengthening Student Outcome Focused School Counseling Research. Presented at the                  

Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Athens, GA.

Full Presentation

Zyromski, B., Dimmitt, C., Mariani, M. (2016) Evidence-Based, Data-Driven Comprehensive School Counseling: An Overview.             

Presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Athens, GA.

Full Presentation

Griffith, C., Dimmit, C. (2015) CSCORE’s Annual Review of Research. Presented at the American Counseling (ACA) National                

Conference, Orlando, FL

Full Presentation

Harrington, K. (2014) CSCORE’s Annual Review of Research. Presented at the American Counseling (ACA) National Conference,        

Honolulu, HI.

Full Presentation


Brigman, G., Harrington, K., Villares, E., Webb, L., (2014) Student Success Skills: Third Year Results of an IES-funded Randomized  

Control Trial. Presented at the American Counseling (ACA) National Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Full Presentation

Dimmitt, C., Carey, J., Harrington, K. (2012) CSCORE’s Annual Review of Research. Presented at the American Counseling (ACA)       

National Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Full Presentation

Nailor, P., Raftery, N., Harrington, K. (2012) Gather, Report & Implement: Building an Elementary School Counseling Program in     

Central Falls, Rhode Island. Presented at the American School Counseling (ASCA) National Conference.

Full Presentation

Carey, J., Dimmitt, C., Harrington, K., Lapan, R. (2010) And The Studies Say.... Presented at the American School Counseling (ASCA)

National Conference, Dallas, TX.

Full Presentation

Lapan, R., Dimmitt, C., Carey, J., Harrington, K. (2010) CSCORE's Annual Review of Research. Presented at the Presented at the       

American Counseling (ACA) National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Full Presentation

Research Monographs

Research Monographs

A Review of the Major School Counseling Policy Studies in the United States: 2000-2014

Jay Carey and Ian Martin conducted a review of the major policy studies concerning school counseling in the United States:
A Review of the Major School Counseling Policy Studies in the United States: 2000-2014. The authors located 37 documents disseminated between 2000 and 2014 that were either intentionally written with a focus on policy implications or were frequently used to attempt to influence policy decision-making. Their review is organized by types of policy studies: Literature Reviews, Survey Research, Statewide Evaluations of School Counseling Programs, State Evaluations of School Counseling Practice, Existing Database Investigations of School Counseling, Research Identifying Elements of Exemplary Practice, Studies of Evaluation Capacity and Practices in School Counseling.

Paving the Road to College: How School Counselors Help Students Succeed

Rich Lapan and Karen Harrington authored Paving the Road to College: How School Counselors Help Students Succeed. This monograph documents the educational reform contributions of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) school counselors in promoting students’ academic achievement, college readiness, and transition from 8th grade into high school. In addition, this report identifies particular actions that a school district can undertake to better utilize and support school counselor professionals. Specifically it recommends ways to enhance collaboration between principals and school counselors and to reduce the burden of non-counseling tasks.

The Current Status of School Counseling Outcome Research

Wendy McGannon took the lead in developing a review and analysis of The Current Status of School Counseling Outcome Research. Types of research are described and a distinction is made between research and evaluation. Additionally, this paper includes a discussion of evidence-based practice and an explanation of how all of these topics are relevant to school counselors and school counseling programs. This includes a brief history of the school counseling movement from the mental health model to Comprehensive Developmental Guidance, and then to the American School Counseling Association’s (ASCA) National Model and data-driven decision-making.

Effects of Students' Middle-School and High-School Experiences on Completion of the Bachelor's Degree

Jerry Trusty authored the first Center Research Monograph Effects of Students’ Middle-School and High-School Experiences on Completion of the Bachelor’s Degree. This monograph reports critically important research on the impact of students’ middle and high school experiences on later success in earning a Bachelor’s degree. In addition, the monograph presents a model that summarizes relationships between student experiences and later college success and identifies ways school counselors can intervene to foster success. This important work establishes significant relationships between proximal factors such as science and math course taking and long term success in higher education. It identifies specific points of intervention for school counselors that can be expected to have long term effects on student success.

Improving Academic Achievement in Primary Students Through a Systemic Approach to Guidance and Counseling

Christopher Sink and Heather Stroh authored Improving Academic Achievement in Primary Students Through a Systematic Approach to Guidance and Counseling. This monograph, which is published by the Washington School Research Center (WSRC), reports the results of a statewide study of the impact of Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling programs on elementary students’ academic achievement. 

Assembly Bill 722 Study of Pupil Personnel Ratios, Services, and Programs

The Counseling and Student Support Office of the California Department of Education completed a landmark statewide evaluation of school counseling programs in 2003, Assembly Bill 722 Study of Pupil Personnel Ratios, Services, and Programs. This monograph presents the findings of the study with recommendations for strengthening school counseling programs. The report includes information on the relationships of student/counselor ratios and program characteristics to student outcomes. The report provides essential information for policy-makers, guidance directors, educational leaders, and school counseling practitioners who are concerned with strengthening school counseling programs. More information is available on the California Department of Education Counseling and Student Support Website.

Our Articles

Our Articles

CSCORE conducts an annual review of school counseling outcome research for the American Counseling Association (ACA) conference. Below are the yearly related research articles. To view the full presentations, see Research & Scholarship


Auslander, L. (2018). Building culturally and linguistically responsive classrooms: A case study in teacher and counselor                                        collaboration.  Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 12(3).     


Johnston, A. D., Midgett, A., Doumas, D. M., & Moody, S. (2018). A mixed methods evaluation of the “aged-up” STAC bullying                              bystander intervention for high school students. The Professional Counselor, 8(1), 73-87.


Mendez, J. J., & Bauman, S. (2018). From migrant farmworkers to first generation Latina/o students: Factors predicting college                          outcomes for students participating in the College Assistance Migrant Program. The Review of Higher Education, 42(1), 173-                    208. 



Lemberger, M. E., Carbonneau, K. J., Selig, J. P., & Bowers, H. (2018). The role of social–emotional mediators on middle school                          students’ academic growth as fostered by an evidence‐based intervention. Journal of Counseling & Development, 96(1), 27-                      40.


Luke, M., & Goodrich, K. M. (2017). Assessing an LGBTQ responsive training intervention for school counselor trainees. Journal of                    Child and Adolescent Counseling, 3(2), 103-119.

Marine, S. B. (2017). Changing the frame: queering access to higher education for trans* students. International Journal of                                  Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(3), 217-233. doi:10.1080/09518398.2016.1268279


Martinez, R. R., Baker, S. B., & Young, T. (2017). Promoting career and college readiness, aspirations, and self‐efficacy: Curriculum                    field test. The Career Development Quarterly, 65(2), 173-188.


Mullen, P. R., & Crowe, A. (2017). Self‐stigma of mental illness and help seeking among school counselors. Journal of Counseling &                    Development, 95(4), 401-411.


Sargent, K. S., Jouriles, E. N., Rosenfield, D., & McDonald, R. (2017). A high school-based evaluation of TakeCARE, a video                                    bystander program to prevent adolescent relationship violence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(3), 633-643.                                      doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0622-z


Williams, J. M., Bryan, J., Morrison, S., & Scott, T. R. (2017). Protective factors and processes contributing to the academic success of                students living in poverty: Implications for counselors. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45(3), 183-200.


Winburn, A., Gilstrap, D., & Perryman, M. (2017). Treating the tiers: Play therapy responds to intervention in the schools.                                      International Journal of Play Therapy, 26(1), 1.



Castleman, B. L., & Page, L. C. (2015). Summer nudging: Can personalized text messages and peer mentor outreach increase college                    going among low-income high school graduates? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 115, 144-160.


Harrington, K., Griffith, C., Gray, K., & Greenspan, S. (2016). A grant project to initiate school counselors' development of a multi-                      tiered system of supports based on social-emotional data. Professional Counselor, 6(3), 278-294.


Masia Warner, C., Colognori, D., Brice, C., Herzig, K., Mufson, L., Lynch, C., . . . Moceri, D. C. (2016). Can school counselors deliver                    cognitive‐behavioral treatment for social anxiety effectively? A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and                    Psychiatry, 57(11), 1229-1238.


Robinson, K. J., & Roksa, J. (2016). Counselors, information, and high school college-going culture: Inequalities in the college                              application process. Research in Higher Education, 57(7), 845-868.



Beidas, R. S., Stewart, R. E., Walsh, L., Lucas, S., Downey, M. M., Jackson, K., . . . Mandell, D. S. (2015). Free, brief, and validated:                      Standardized instruments for low-resource mental health settings. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 22(1), 5-19.


Castleman, B. L., Page, L. C., & Schooley, K. (2014). The forgotten summer: Does the offer of college counseling after high school                          mitigate summer melt among college‐intending, low‐income high school graduates? Journal of Policy Analysis and                                    Management, 33(2), 320-344.


Sibley, M. H., Altszuler, A. R., Ross, J. M., Sanchez, F., Pelham Jr, W. E., & Gnagy, E. M. (2014). A parent-teen collaborative treatment              model for academically impaired high school students with ADHD. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 21(1), 32-42.



Belasco, A. S. (2013). Creating college opportunity: School counselors and their influence on postsecondary enrollment. Research in                    Higher Education, 54(7), 781-804.


Lee, J. H., Nam, S. K., Kim, A. R., Kim, B., Lee, M. Y., & Lee, S. M. (2013). Resilience: A meta‐analytic approach. Journal of                                  Counseling & Development, 91(3), 269-279.


Rupani, P., Haughey, N., & Cooper, M. (2012). The impact of school-based counselling on young people's capacity to study and learn.                  British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40(5), 499-514.



Casillas, A., Robbins, S., Allen, J., Kuo, Y.-L., Hanson, M. A., & Schmeiser, C. (2012). Predicting early academic failure in high school                  from prior academic achievement, psychosocial characteristics, and behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(2), 407.


Posthumus, J. A., Raaijmakers, M. A., Maassen, G. H., Van Engeland, H., & Matthys, W. (2012). Sustained effects of Incredible Years                  as a preventive intervention in preschool children with conduct problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(4), 487-                  500.


Webster-Stratton, C. H., Reid, M. J., & Beauchaine, T. (2011). Combining parent and child training for young children with ADHD.                      Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40(2), 191-203.



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